
Examples of Mathematics Thesis Proposal (Contoh Proposal Skripsi Matematika)

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A. Title    
"Comparison of the results with a constructivist approach of learning mathematics between students who use cooperative learning type learning model Numbered Heads Together by using the usual model"
B. Background     
Education has a very important role in creating human resources (HR) quality. Education always with respect to human beings, in the sense of a conscious effort to foster and develop the basic human ability as optimal as possible in accordance with their capacity.
Educational process is implemented in schools is basically a learning activity, which aims to enable students to have the best results they can. One benchmark which illustrates the level of student success in learning is the result of learning.Learning outcomes can be viewed from three aspects, namely cognitive, affective, psychomotor aspects.
In addition, teachers act as determinants of student success in learning. It is in affirmed in Law No. 2 of 1989 on National Education System which says that a key element in advancing education is the teacher, because the teacher directly influence, guide and develop the skills of learners (students) to become intelligent, skilled and high morals.
One disiplinn science plays an important role in the life and presence is closely tied to the world of education is Mathematics. Mathematics need to be understood and mastered all levels of society, especially students in schools.Russefendi (Joseph, 2003: 1) argues: "Mathematics is important as forming attitudes, therefore, one of the teacher's task is to encourage students to learn well".
John Dewey (Ibrahim, Muchidin, Djajuri, Wahyudin, Fathoni, Hernawan, Sukirman, Sanjaya, Susilana, Sulityo, Darmawan, Rusman, 2002: 76) argues that learning is about what to do student by himself, then Learning initiative should appear of himself. Here the task of teachers to provide teaching materials but that process and digest is the students according to their talents, abilities and backgrounds respectively. In accordance being addressed by Sardiman (1986: 98), learning is done and is a process that makes students should be active.
In Curriculum Education Unit (SBC), the objectives to be achieved through the study of mathematics at the junior secondary school level are: (1) understand the concept of mathematics, describes the relationship between concepts and apply concepts or algorithms, are flexible, accurate, efficient, and precise, in problem-solving ; (2) using the reasoning in the patterns and nature, perform mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile evidence, or explain mathematical ideas and statements; (3) solve problems that include the ability to understand the problem, devised a mathematical model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution; (4) communicate ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problem, and (5) have an attitude appreciate the usefulness of mathematics in life, are curious, attention, and interest in studying mathematics, as well as a tenacious attitude and confidence in problem solving (MONE, 2006: 346).Based on these objectives appears that the direction or orientation of mathematics learning is the ability of mathematical problem solving. This capability is particularly useful for students when studying mathematics as well as in everyday life, not only for those who studied mathematics, but also will apply it well in other fields (Ruseffendi, in Nurardiyati, 2006: 2).
But the reality on the ground, the process of teaching and learning activities in the classroom, learning mathematics subjects tertutama exact response was unfavorable. As pointed out Ruseffendi (Joseph, 2003: 2), Mathematics (science) for children in general is a subject that is not in enjoy if not lessons in hate.
As stated by Sardiman (1986: 85) study results will be optimal if there is no motivation and motivation can serve as a spur to effort and achievement. In learning, the motivation can be considered as a whole locomotion in students that lead learning activities, which ensures continuity of learning activities, so desired by studying subjects that can be achieved.
Similarly, in mathematics by Hudojo (1988: 100), when a student has a motivation to learn mathematics, he will learn in earnest until it has a deeper meaning. It can easily achieve the goal. This shows that success can increase the motivation to learn mathematics. Conversely, a failure can result in decreased self-esteem, which means his motivation down.
When understanding of the material being studied mathematics can be achieved. Then there will be motivation along with a process to achieve success in learning mathematics. In other words, success in learning mathematics not only because it can understand the concepts and theorems, and then be able to apply it, but also because of the will, attitude and all sorts of other motivations.
Besides learning success can be influenced by their own teachers, where teachers still apply the system that requires teachers themselves active than students.As revealed pleh John Locke and Herbert (Sardiman, 1986: 1997), a teacher in the learning process will continue to dominate activity. Students are always passive, while the active teachers and all the initiative comes from the teacher.
To overcome it is necessary to find a model of learning that is expected to increase the activity and student learning outcomes. From the results of the author of the cooperative learning model has a chance to overcome it. According to Robert Slarin (Munjiali, 2004: 6), Cooperative Learning that all teaching methods that engage students learning to work together in learning, where all members of the group responsible for the self-learners themselves. The advantages of cooperative learning model according Looning (Suhena, 2001: 6) cooperative learning has several advantages including:
a.      The reaction of the students to learn that open quite well
b.     Active participation of students is more easily developed
c.      The steps taken in the teaching and learning activities are very systematic and easier set
There are some cooperative learning, cooperative learning one Numbered Head Together. Learning was developed by Spenser Kagen (1993). By involving students in a lesson to check their understanding of the content of the lesson.
According to Ibrahim (2002) there are four stages in the implementation of Numbered Head Together namely: numbering, ask questions, think together and answer.
C. Formulation and Limitations    
Based on the background of the problem, the problem in this study defined and restricted as follows:
"Is the learning outcomes of students whose learning using cooperative learning teaching model Numbered Head Together mode is better than that using the usual learning model in class VII with the standards of competence  Using the concept of sets and Venn diagrams in problem solving  ?"
D. Objective    
Peneilitian is intended to determine whether the learning outcomes of students whose learning using cooperative learning learning model Numbered Head Together mode is better than that using the usual learning model.
E. Importance of Issues     
With the holding of this research is expected to provide input and useful for:
1. For students      
a. As a reference in improving the students' interest and motivation.       
b. As a reference in encouraging students to actively participate in the learning process.      
c. As a reference to help students who have difficulty in understanding mathematical concepts because the material is associated with students' everyday context and real world environment of students.       
2. For teachers      
a. Improving the ability of teachers to use a learning model, and can improve the quality of the learning process       
b. As consideration feedback to improve processes and student learning outcomes with the type cooperative pembelajaarn  NHT .      
c. Can further create a classroom atmosphere that values (respect) the values of scientific and motivated to get used to conduct basic research that is beneficial to the improvement in the learning process and improve the ability of teachers themselves.       
3. For schools      
With the learning strategy properly then able to realize a very good student and achievement.
4. For researchers      
In addition the knowledge to become an educator in the future by implementing cooperative learning  NHT  to improve processes and student learning outcomes.
F. Operational Definitions     
1.      Model Cooperaative Learning Tipe Numbered Head Together
Model Numbered Head Together ( NHT  is part of the structural cooperative learning model, which emphasizes the struktu specialized structures designed to affect students' interaction patterns. Kagan structure requires that students work with each other to rely on small groups cooperatively.
2. Learning Model Fair      
Usual learning model is a teaching that is generally used to do everyday.Teachers are more active than the students, while students only receive the material in the absence of reciprocity between teachers and students to learn.How to deliver the material to the lecture, question and answer, and demonstrations.
G. Literature    
1. Comparison      
In Big Indonesian Dictionary Comparisons term comes from the word "Appeal" which means the tare, the same yardstick. Comparing the means to expose whatever similarities / differences between the two goods, two things ,, etc.While the comparison means for comparing two things to know about the advantages or disadvantages.
2. Understanding of Mathematics Learning Outcomes      
a. Learn       
To get a sense on learning, especially learning in schools, need to be clearly defined sense of learning. Understanding learned many addressed by the educational psychologists. According to the understanding of the psychological, learning is a process of change is a change in behavior as a result of interaction with the environment in meeting their needs. Such changes will be evident in all aspects of behavior. Understanding the learning can be defined as a process attempts person to obtain a new change in behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experience in interaction with the environment.
According to Koffka and Kohler of Germany that the study is "the first adjustment is to obtain the proper response to solve the problem in the face".(Slameto, 2003: 9)
Also according R.Gagne that learning is "motivation in the process of obtaining the knowledge, skills, habits and behavior and mastery of knowledge and skills acquired from the instruction." (Slameto, 2003: 9)
In line with that in Thorndike that learning is "the establishment of a relationship or connection between stimulus and response in problem solving (problem solving), which is done by trial and error" (Sri Esti Wuryani Djiwandono, 2006: 127)
Noted also by Nana Sudjana that learning is "behavior change. changes realized and arising from practice, experience, training not as a whole "(Nana Sudjana, 1989: 5)
Meanwhile, Drs.Widodo and Dra.Endang Poerwanti define the notion of learning as "a process that happens to someone who can cause changes that for example do not know about something specific actions be able to do. It can also act in because there is an element in the form of exercises. If a change occurs in such individuals is a business or exercise then the change is not a result of learning. "(Siti Hasnah.H, 2003: 8)
From the brief description above, it can be concluded that learning is a process of receiving information to obtain motivation in the knowledge, skills, habits and behavior arising from the practice, experience and training. This process requires careful preparation and is one of ways to learn math.
b. Matematika      
Mathematics is the science that is axiomatic deductive concerning abstract ideas by symbols arranged in hirearkis. Mathematics is also a symbolic language to express relationships that facilitates quantitative and spatial thinking in solving the problems of human daily life.
Mathematical understanding put forward by many experts in his H.Erman Suherman, et al, among others:
James and James  (1976) in the dictionary math says that "mathematics is the science of logic on the form, composition, size and concepts related to each other in large numbers, divided into three areas: algebra, analysis and geometry".
In addition,  Johnson and Rising  (1972) in his book says that "mathematics is a pattern of thinking, organizing patterns, proving that logic. Math is a language that uses the terms defined carefully, clearly and accurately. Representation with symbols and dense, more a language of symbols of the idea rather than the sounds ".
Kline  (1973) in his book says also that "mathematics is not knowledge alone to perfect for himself, but the math was primarily to assist people in understanding and mastering the problems of what social, economic and natural".
The same thing was said by the (Siti Hasanah.H, 2003: 9) which present the mathematical sense as follows:
1. Mathematics as a means of communication. Mathematical choose symbols, names, terms that can be used as a source language. We can translate a phrase in Indonesian be an expression in the language of mathematics.
2. Mathematical reasoning as a way of thinking allows students always think critically terhadapa a reality.
3. Mathematics as a troubleshooting tool for mathematics has a good discussion of the method with the image or symbol, chart or graph, then the problems in daily life or scientific problem can be translated into the language of mathematics for mathematics can be further processed to reach a solution to a problem.
From the brief description above, it can be concluded that mathematics is the science of logic regarding patterns of thinking to assist people in understanding and mastering the problems of both the social, economic and natural.
1. Mathematical School      
Math is taught in levels like elementary schools, junior high school called school mathematics. In the book training materials integrated, (2005: 21) explained that the school mathematics are the elements or parts of mathematics that can arrange reason, forming personality, instilling values, troubleshoot, and perform tasks tertenntu oriented educational development and science and technology development. Math is taught in schools includes four aspects of the presentation are:
a. presentation of Mathematics       
Presentation of mathematics at the school tailored to students' intellectual development forecasts. Math served associated with the realities that exist around the students, so that students more easily understand the material being studied. In linking between concept and reality that is around needed intermediary concrete object as a representative of the representation.
b. The mindset of mathematics      
The mindset used in metamatika school in general is the mindset inductive.The mindset inductive used for the purpose of adjusting to the stage of intellectual development of students.
c. limitations of the universe       
Concepts taught adjusted to the intellectual development of students. The increasing age of the students, it also increases its development stage, the universe of discourse is expanded again.
d. level of abstraction      
Abstract mathematical objects school. The level of abstraction is adjusted to the level of intellectual development siswa.Pada primary school level concrete nature of mathematical objects sought more than the higher levels of schooling.The higher the level of schooling, the more abstract nature. So that the learning remain focused on the achievement of students' ability to think abstractly.
c. Learning outcomes       
Definition of learning outcomes can not be isolated from what is happening on learning activities both in the classroom, at school and outside of school. In order to determine whether the learning is done successfully or not can be evaluated from the learning process itself and the learning outcomes achieved by students. Learning is successful if there is a change in self-esteem caused by learning. Learning outcomes can be seen from the results of the evaluation conducted by the teacher.
Learning outcomes are defined by experts in educational psychology include:
AJRomiszowski hasi argued that learning is "output (outputs) of a processing system inputs (input ). Input from the system in the form of a variety of information while the output is an act or performance (performence). "(Dr. Mulyono Abdurrahman, 2003: 38)
John.M.keller suggests that learning outcomes are "actual achievement displayed by children. While the effort is an act directed at the completion of learning tasks. "(Dr.Mulyono Abdurrahman, 2003: 39)
Meanwhile, according R.Gagne learning outcomes are categorized into five categories, namely verbal information, intellectual skills (discrimination, concepts, rules, principles), the setting of cognitive activity, posture, motor skills.
a. Verbal information is the level of knowledge of a person that can be expressed through oral and written language to others.       
b. Intellectual finesse that person's ability to relate to their environment and themselves.      
1. Discrimination plural is a person's ability to distinguish between objects that one with another object.      
2. The concept of the meaning of that unit representing a number of objects that have the same characteristics.      
3. The rule is two or more concepts are linked to each other if they form a provision that represents an order      
4. The principle is the combination of several rules, forming a higher rule and complex.      
c. Settings cognitive activities: the ability to manyalurkan and directing his own cognitive activity.       
d.  The attitude is the attitude of a particular person against an object.      
e. Motor skills that a person is capable of performing a series of physical movements in a particular order by directing the coordination anatara gestures various limbs in an integrated manner. (Sri Esti Wuryani Djiwandono, 2006: 17)       
According to the great dictionary Indonesian: "Learning Outcomes are the results obtained from the activities in schools or universities that are cognitive and are usually determined through measurement and assessment".
Based on the description above can be concluded
3.      Model Cooperaative Learning Tipe Numbered Head Together
Cooperative learning as a pattern or design called learning strategy, the implementation of cooperative learning model class has benefits as described by Ibrahim at all. (2000: 18-19), namely:
a. Increases outpouring of time on task,       
b. Self-esteem is higher,      
c. Menjuadi school dropout rate is low,       
d. The acceptance of individual differences become larger,      
e. Fixing presence,       
f. Disruptive behavior becomes smaller,       
g. Interpersonal conflicts reduced,      
h. Apathy is reduced,      
i. A deeper understanding,        
j. Greater motivation,        
k. Results of higher learning, and      
l. Increasing kindness, sensitivity, and tolerance.        
There are several kinds of cooperative learning, cooperative learning one Numbered Head Together. Number Head Together  (NHT)  is a learning model that emphasizes the student activity in the search for, process, and report information from various sources that finally presented in front of the class (Rahayu, 2006). NHT first introduced by Spencer Kagan et al (1993).
NHT is part of a structural model of cooperative learning, which emphasizes the special structures designed to influence students' interaction patterns.Kagan structure requires that students work with each other to rely on small groups cooperatively. The structure has been developed as an alternative material of traditional class structures that like mangacungkan hand first and then appointed by the teacher to answer questions that have been raised.This kind of atmosphere caused a stir in the classroom, as students scramble to get a chance to answer the question researchers (Tryana, 2008).
According to Kagan (2007) NHT learning model is indirectly trains students to share information, listen carefully and speak with the full calculation, so that students are more productive in learning.
According to Ibrahim (2002) there are four in the implementation of the NHT, namely:
a. numbering       
Numbering is the main thing in the NHT, in this stage the teacher divides the students into groups or teams of three to five people and gives students numbered so that each student on the team has a different number, according to the number of students in the group.
b. Asking Questions The next step is the submission of a question, the teacher asked a question to the students. Questions provided can be retrieved from a particular subject matter that is being learned, try to make the question can vary from the specific to the general nature and level of varying difficulty.      
c. thinking Together       
After getting inquiries from teachers, students think together to find the answers and explain the answers to the members of his team so that all members know the answers to each question.
d. Giving Answers      
The final step is the teacher called one number and every student from each group of the same number raised their hands and prepare answers for the whole class, then the teacher randomly select a group that had to answer the question, the next student whose number is called the teacher of the group raised their hands and standing by to answer any questions. Another group of the same number responded to the response.
As described by Hill (1993) in Tryana (2008) that the NHT has advantages such can improve student achievement, capable of deepening pamahaman students, delightful students in learning, developing positive attitudes of students, develop leadership attitudes of students, develop a curiosity of students, Shiva improve self-confidence, develop a sense of belonging, as well as developing skills for the future.
According  Meilan Selly Putriana ST  (2009)  NHT  has advantages and disadvantages. Excess  NHT  is as follows:
1) Causes of students active in answering questions,      
2) To train students in the expression bold and dare to talk in front of the class,      
3) To motivate learning,      
4) To train students to work together and respect the opinion of friends in the group.      
While the weakness  NHT  is
1) Conditioning class less      
2) The time necessary learning becomes longer      

4. Learning Model Fair      
According Ruseffendi (1991: 350), regular teaching is teaching in general can be done everyday. Where in this classical learning teachers taught a number of students in the room that has the ability to minimum requirements for that level. Then the teacher is more active than the students, while students only receive the material in the absence of reciprocity between teachers and students in learning.
In the usual learning model according Ruseffendi (1991: 351) teachers teach students as a group in the classroom that many students around 30-40 people. So teachers can not address all the concerns of students one by one in the study. Even in classical learning their grouping in the treatment of learning. In the sense that individuals who have high ability gets preferential treatment from teachers. While students who have low skill they are treated less. This shows that the interests of each individual can not be considered.
Ruseffendi (1991: 351) says: "Most teachers generally teach based on the ability of students in general, both the speed and level of difficulty of teaching content to be studied". So the teacher's ability to generalize all students in a class. And materials that have adapted to students' abilities in general.
According Xpresiriau ( 2009) What is meant by mathematics ordinarily is a teaching and learning activities that have been mostly carried out by the teacher where teachers teach in the classical style in which the activity of teachers dominating the class with the expository method, and students just accept what is delivered by teachers, as well as activities of students to express their opinions very less, so that students become passive in learning, and student learning less meaningful as more memorizing. 
Strengths and weaknesses of the usual learning model as follows:
1. Its advantages are:      
a. Can improve certain basic skills in students       
b. Can be followed by a lot of students      
c. Easily prepared and implemented       
d. Easy teacher explaining the lesson well      
2. The disadvantage is:      
a. Students are less active in learning, for active teachers and students just listened from the lessons of the teacher       
b. Saturated and boring students, if used too long      
c. Master difficult to conclude that students understand and are interested in learning       
d. Not giving students the opportunity to be active and critical thinking in understanding learning materials      
H. Hypotheses    
Based on literature studies and issues that have been formulated in the previous section, the hypothesis in this study is the result of learning student learning using Cooperative Learning Model Type Numbered Head Together is better than that using model normal way.
I. Methods and Research Design       
The method used in this study is an experimental method for their manipulation perpetrated class to gain experience through research Cooperative Learning NHT, and the other class got a lesson usual at the beginning and end of the study both classes in the given test, so the design of the research is as follows:
A         :           O1        X1        O1
A         :           O2        X2        O2
A: The selection of a random sample by grade
1         : Learning to use the type cooperative learning model of Numbered Head Together
2         : Learning to use the usual learning model
1         : Test result of learning using NHT
2         : Test result of learning using the usual learning model
J. Population and Sample Research      
The population in this study is the level of high school students (SMP) Negeri 2 Pakisjaya Karawang, while the sample was taken two classes where one class is experimental class and the other class is a class control. The sample in this research is class VII A as an experimental class and the class as a class VII B Control. The reason for choosing the sample in class VII A and VII B is due to the level of the development of education and way of thinking of students in the class are not too high and not too low, and based on the results of daily tests and the values ​​of other tests not too much difference between the classes both in compare with another class. Researchers also want to know the extent of cooperative methods can be applied.
K. Research Instruments    
Which became the instrument in this study is a set of test form of the description ( essay test or subjective test ) which consists of 5 items. The instrument was developed by the researchers, for researchers give students a matter appropriate to the circumstances and in accordance with the material has been conveyed or discussed so that the expected results are more significant. In order to have the contents validitasi such questions in the first consult with the supervisor. After that in order to have empirical validity of such questions tested on grade samples, grade control and not a second class. Then calculated the validity, reliability, distinguishing different power and the difficulty index.
1. validity      
Validity is a measure that indicates the levels of  validity or validity of something instruments (Arikunto, 2002: 144). An instrument is said to be valid if it is able to measure what is desirable and can reveal the data on the variables studied tepat.Tinggi lack of validity of the instrument indicates the extent to which the data collected does not deviate from the description of the validity of the  question .          
To calculate the validity of the tests using the formula of Karl Pearson Product Moment Correlation as follows:          
xy          : The correlation coefficient between x and variable y vasiabel
X           : Scores of students on each items
Y           : Total Skor
N          : Number of participants test
Classification:  xy  according to Guilford, namely:          
0.00 to 0.20 Small =
.20-.40 = Low
.40-.70 = Moderate
0.70-.90 = high
0.90 to 1.00 = very high
Criteria:  xy ≥ rtab declared invalid test           
2. Reliability      
According Sudijono (2001: 95) says that a test result of learning can be expressed reliably what if the results of measurements made using such tests repeatedly on the same subject always show the same exact results or its steady and stable. Thus an examination is said to have realibitas (= power keajekan measure) when scores or values ​​obtained by the examinees for the test is a stable job anytime, anywhere and by anyone exam was carried out, examined and assessed.
To determine realibitas Alpa test using the following formula:
thus: Σ 1 =  S 2 + S 12 2 + ....
While S 2  =
Description: r n      = coefficient of reliability tests
                         n = number of items
                         l = a constant
                         S 2    = variance of the score of each items
                         S 2    = variance matter
Criteria:  n  ≥ then the test is reliable
n  <  0.70 then the test is reliable
3. Power differentiator      
Distinguishing features is the ability of items to be able to distinguish high-ability students and low. To calculate the distinguishing features of each items using the following formula:
Description: D = distinguishing Index
                           JB A  = Total score of the top group
                           JB B  = Total score lower group
                           JS A  = Number of students groups on
                           SMI = maximum score ideal
Criteria: D ≤ 0,00 = very poor
                           0.00 <D> 0.20 = less
                           0.20 <D> 0.40 = sufficient
                           0.40 <D> 0,70 = good
                           0.70 <D> 1,00 = excellent

4. Index Difficulty      
Quality or absence of a grain item achievement test can first note of the degree of difficulty or the level of difficulty which is owned by each item of the item. According Witherington (Sudijono, 2001: 317) says that it has been or inadequate degree of difficulty of the test items learning outcomes can be known from the size of the numbers that symbolizes the difficulty level of the item. To calculate the index of difficulty using the following formula:
Description: CI = Difficulty Index
                           JB A  = Total score of the top group
                           JB B  = Total score lower group
                           JS A  = Number of students groups on
                           SMI = maximum score ideal
Criteria: CI = 0.00 = too difficult
                           0.00 <I> = 0.20 sukar
                           0.20 <I> = 0.40 sedang
                           0.40 <I> = 0.70 Mudah
                           0.70 <I> = 1.00 terlalu Mudah
L. Procedure Research     
In the procedure of the study authors do the steps as follows:
1. Preparation      
The preparation phase is done by several activities: to observe the problems that occur in the classroom where researchers conducted the study, then pour the problem into the form of thesis proposal, then seminarkan and with some refinement, improvement proposal can be completed, making lesson plans, research instruments (manufacture LKS and training, creation of a quiz question, the manufacture of the test device and answer key) permits setting up of research, testing instrument.
2. Implementation Phase      
The author divides implementation into three stages:
a. Provision of initial test / pretest       
Early tests prior to treatment NHT learning in class experiments and hands-on learning in the classroom control.
b. Implementation of treatment or learning      
At the beginning of the initial test samples or subjects are divided into two groups: the experimental group who will use koopertif learning model NHT and control groups: the group using the usual learning model. In the first stage of the two groups perform preliminary tests with the same problem. In the second stage, differentiated treatment group learning. During the three meetings.
1) Treatment in class Experiment      
Learning the experimental class includes several stages:
a) Introduction, includes apersepsi, motivation, informing the learning procedure to be carried out, giving reference study material will be presented and the learning objectives will be achieved.      
b) Provide learning by NHT, namely by forming a heterogeneous group of 4-6 people. After the division of the group, the next is giving numbering. Teachers give students a question and the question can vary, then students ask her opinion on that statement and convince every member of the team to find out the answer. Teachers call a specific number, then the same number of students to be held up her hands and tried to answer the question for the whole class. cover, ending with the matter and put an end to the activities concludes.      
The author uses the following details:
a) The first five minutes explaining the purpose of learning both general and special purpose      
b) Ten minutes both divide into groups and give numbering      
c) Fifteen minutes of the third provides teaching materials or materials      
d) Twenty minutes to four students are given the opportunity to work on the problems in the group     
e) Ten minutes five discussion questions of numbers that have been called      
f) Five minutes past closing to conclude the matter and put an end to the activities.       
2) Treatment on the Control class      
Learning in the classroom control includes several stages:
a) Introduction, includes apersepsi, motivation, informing the material that will be presented and learning objectives to be achieved.      
b) Implement the usual model of learning, namely in the form of lectures, question and answer and exercises.      
c) Concluding, ending with activity doing the same problem with the experimental class.      
c. Implementation of the final test       
Giving the final test done after three meetings in the experimental class and a control class with about the same in both groups.
3. Phase Evaluation      
The conduct pre-test before treatment and after treatment and
The aim is to determine learning outcomes of students whose learning using cooperative learning NHT is better than using the usual model of learning?.By comparing the results of the two classes that use each of these learning models.



a.       tes Pemberian awal / about
b.      Implementation of treatment or learning
1.      The treatment of the experimental class
2.      Treatment at a grade control
3.      Implementation of the final test


M. Procedure Data Processing   
Data results from this study were processed using MINITAB 14 with the following steps:
1. Normality Test Data      
Test data normality pretest and posttest conducted to determine whether or not normal distribution of values ​​pretest and posttest. Test for normality using the Kolmogorov-mirnov useful untukmenguji whether a sample comes from a population with a specific distribution, especially normal distribution.
0  : samples come from populations with normal distribution
1  : The samples come from populations that are not normally distributed
The determination of the conclusions based on the probability as follows:
If the probability (p)> 0.05, H 0  : accepted
If the probability (p) <0.05, then H 1  : rejected
2. Test Homogeneity Variants      
Homogeneity test carried out if the two groups normally distributed, ie with test variants of both groups using the test F test to determine if the variance both groups were different tau. Meanwhile, if the two groups are not normally distributed, the non parametric testing.
0  : A second sample variances are equal
1  : A second sample variance is different
Researchers used two variants in the sample in different columns. Under the condition :
If the probability of> 0.05, H 0  : accepted
If the probability <0.05, H 0  : rejected
3. Test Significant differences in average      
Test of significant difference in the average used to test the average difference in the experimental class and control class.
0  : The average value of the two samples are the same
1  : average value of two samples
This test uses two sample t on the sample in different columns. Under the condition :
If the probability of> 0.05, H 0  : accepted
If the probability <0.05, H 0  : rejected


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